
Nurturing Love: 10 Steps to Soulful Connections

Devoted relationships provide a pivotal and exceptional resource for self-actualization and soul evolution. In the dance of love and commitment, there exists a profound opportunity for healing, growth, and transformation that creates soulful connections. As we navigate the intricate web of interconnectedness, we inevitably encounter challenges, setbacks, and moments of Read more…


Tantra is Prayer

What does sacred sex mean, what’s so spiritual about Tantra? Spirituality in context with sex is more about the experience of “getting there” instead of about reaching a destination. In Tantra, sacred sex refers to the frame of spiritual mindfulness and presence necessary to achieve higher states of consciousness in sexual communion.


Understanding Archetypes: A Path to Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Unlocking the mysteries of the human psyche is an age-old pursuit, and within this quest lies the exploration of archetypes. These enigmatic figures, deeply rooted in the collective unconscious, wield immense influence over our thoughts, motivations, and beliefs. But what are archetypes, and how can we work with them to enrich our lives?

Archetypes are personifications of collective humanity’s unconscious with identifiable characteristics which influence personal thinking, motives, and beliefs. They operate through the personal unconscious of an individual. You can work with archetypes by learning about them and discovering their influence in your life by becoming more familiar with when one is active in your subconscious.

Shadow Work Minotaur and Theseus

Myth of Theseus and the MinotaurIn the ancient myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus takes up the challenge to slay a horrible beast. In the shadows of the labyrinth Theseus metaphorically goes through what we would call doing his shadow work.

The myth of the Labyrinth, the Minotaur, and Theseus has parallels with the experience of spiritual awakening, greater personal understanding and in becoming and feeling more whole. (more…)

Originally posted on October 15, 2018 @ 5:02 pm


Premature Ejaculation Solutions

You’ve met the woman of your dreams and now your relationship has progressed to include sex. You’re enjoying her touch and your arousal is high; she has welcomed you into her ‘garden of delight’ and ecstatic jolts of sexual energy are rocking your world. Suddenly, before you can stop it, your turn-on takes you over-the-top and you orgasm—ejaculating—and your sexual energy drains away. Men suffering with premature ejaculation struggle to find solutions to how to control their urge to ejaculate and last long enough to please their partner.

Presence: Hallmark of the Sacred Masculine

Sacred Masculine Presence As the Divine Feminine is seeking representation and reflection in the world—so is the Sacred Masculine. Whereas the Divine Feminine’s essence is “Beingness” or Feeling, the Sacred Masculine’s essence is “Presence” or Constancy, expressed as “Consciousness.” Physical presence is being “in place” —physically present and occupying spaceRead more “Presence: Hallmark of the Sacred Masculine”

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