What is Tantric Healing?
What is Tantric Healing and how does it benefit you? Sunyata explains Tantric Healing and its relationship to sexual healing and wellbeing.
What is Tantric Healing and how does it benefit you? Sunyata explains Tantric Healing and its relationship to sexual healing and wellbeing.
Sunyata, I have a question for you about Yab-Yum —I am short and weigh about 300 pounds. He is 5’9″ and about 160, so I don’t know, could yab-yum work?
Tantric sex is a vehicle that empowers a journey of consciousness expansion. The Tantric sutra cited above reveals how consciousness is enhanced and transformed as it experiences the journey.
What does sacred sex mean, what’s so spiritual about Tantra? Spirituality in context with sex is more about the experience of “getting there” instead of about reaching a destination. In Tantra, sacred sex refers to the frame of spiritual mindfulness and presence necessary to achieve higher states of consciousness in sexual communion.
Question: Can you give me tips on how to have a full body orgasm? A. Full Body Orgasms happen most often and with greatest impact when taken by surprise. They sneak up and overtake you, rolling through like a huge wave that keeps on going and going and going…
Safe Sexual Healing Book Reviews With the release of his book “Safe Sexual Healing: a Guidebook for Healers and Clients,” Sunyata Satchitananda pulls back the curtain on the shadowy world of sexual healing and reveals what goes on in sexual healing sessions. As a certified Tantric Healer, Sunyata has 17Read more “Safe Sexual Healing Book Reviews”
What is the Void and how does it affect consciousness and sacred sexuality? Sunyata explains how you can experience the Void.
What is Tantra about, what is its purpose? “Tantra” has an ancient lineage and has undergone many alterations and refinements over the centuries which have produced many different forms of this esoteric science. For many that practice Tantra, its essence is: self-knowledge and spiritual-expansion
‘Safe Sexual Healing: A Guidebook for Healers and Clients’ positively and constructively informs both healers and clients about what to do and expect in sexual healing sessions to create a container of trust and safety and to facilitate positive transformation and healing. It is filled with real world examples andRead more “Buy the Book Safe Sexual Healing”
9 things you should know about Tantra—the path of ecstasy, the good, the bad, and the ugly of Tantra teachers, schools, and events
What is Sacred Intimacy and how is it related to sexual healing? How can a couple create sacred intimacy sessions for each other?
Wand of Light program for ejaculation control and sexual mastery